2022 AAHHE Call for Proposals Submission Deadline Extended: Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 11:59pm ET
Cultivating Justicia con Amor y Querencia: Embracing Healing through Policies and Practices that Transform Institutions for Latinx/a/o Communities
Cultivando Justicia con Amor y Querencia: Sanando las Comunidades Latinx con Políticas y Prácticas que Transforman las Instituciones
Thank you for your interest in submitting a conference proposal for the 2022 AAHHE National Conference to be held on March 10-11, 2022 and hosted by Nevada State College (Henderson, NV).
In 2022, AAHHE is planning a return to an in-person convening; conference sessions will also be live-streamed. Information on the conference theme, strands, submission types, and proposal review process is presented below. Conference proposals can be submitted across five broad conference strands and four session types. Anyone submitting a conference proposal will be asked to commit to attending the conference in-person should their proposal be accepted. Deadline for submission of conference proposals has been extended to Wednesday, October 13th, 2021, 11:59 p.m. EST.
The 2022 AAHHE National Conference theme 'Cultivating Justicia con Amor y Querencia: Embracing Healing through Policies and Practices that Transform Institutions for Latinx/a/o Communities' aims to showcase the transformative work happening within the Latinx community. The current precarious times lead us to foster higher education environments that center amor (love) and querencia (intentional care) in the pursuit of justicia (justice); querencia is the care received within a space that is safe, affirming, empowering and feels like home through the unwaivering amor from those within such a space. AAHHE hopes that by striving for justice through amor and querencia, higher education leaders will enact policies and practices that move beyond coping with injustices and instead offer healing moments for Latinx/a/o communities. For additional information on the conference theme, please click here.
AAHHE continues to evolve in the midst of the ongoing pandemic and intersectional injustices that the Latinx community continuously navigates. AAHHE invites proposals that:
- transform the landscape of higher education.
- demonstrate institutional efforts that foster healing and empowerment for Latinx/a/o communities.
- are rooted in asset-based perspectives.
- showcase various approaches to justice-oriented work in higher education.
- define the way in which amor is integrated in policy and practices that promote justice oriented engagement supporting the Latinx/a/o community; and/or
- exemplify policies and practices enacted in higher education that build on sense of belonging in higher education to foster querencia and that inform identity, provide a place of belonging, and sense of safety for Latinx/a/o students, faculty, and staff.
Specifically, conference proposals can be submitted across five conference strands anchored on the 2022 conference theme Cultivating Justicia con Amor y Querencia and one of four concurrent session types (i.e., roundtables, research papers, interactive symposia and poster sessions) described below.
Conference Strands
The 2022 AAHHE National Conference is showcasing the following five conference strands:
Fostering Querencia by Centering Intersectional Identities and Experiences of Latinx/o/a Students
This strand a) aims to interrogate the ways in which researchers, practitioners, and policymakers center Latinx/a/o college student identity development and experiences; b) prioritizes sessions that engage with asset-based perspectives to recognize the intersectional identities and experiences of students from Latinx/a/o communities that have historically been placed on the margins; and c) seeks to acknowledge the ways in which Latinx/a/o students are differentially situated in higher education and in society based on their intersecting identities and overlapping systems of power. Proposals that attend to the following identities and experiences are welcomed:
- Interrogating anti-Blackness, racism, and colorism within the Latinx/a/o community and in higher education.
- Challenging notions of Latinidad and mestizaje in the identity development of students, staff and faculty.
- Examining gender and sexuality as it relates to the identities of students and systems of power.
- Centering the experiences of Afro-Latinx/a/o, Central Americans, and Caribbean Latinx/a/o in postsecondary settings.
- Focusing on Indigenous communities in higher education.
- Acknowledging the intersectional narrative within the Latinx/a/o community
Building Coalitions through Latinx/a/o Intersectional Activism
This strand a) encourages the act of reimagining advocacy and activism in higher education at both individual and systemic levels; b) seeks to underscore and highlight the various ways Latinx/a/o communities resist systems of oppression through activism, social movements, grassroots organizing, and other forms of challenging the status quo; and c) addresses long-standing educational inequities and to forge a more inclusive and just path forward. Proposals that disrupt oppressive systems in the following areas are welcomed:
- Situating race and ethnicity as drivers of student activism that challenge anti-Blackness and white supremacy at both Hispanic Serving Institutions and Predominantly White Institutions.
- Examining ways in which sex and gender are used as vehicles of empowerment and demand for change.
- Interrogating the ways in which institutions of higher education continue to be violent environments for LGBTQ+ Latinx/a/o students, faculty and staff.
- Coalition building to challenge xenophobic, anti-immigration rhetoric and legislation and nationalistic.
- Recognizing and leveraging the intersections of race, gender, class, and more to resist systems of oppression.
- Examine the generational differences between student activists and established college faculty and leaders.
- Engaging in activism that centers decolonial practices as a means of creating a paradigm shift.
Transforming Policy, Leadership, and Institutions through Querencia and Justicia
Querencia (Intentional Care) and Justicia (Justice) is critical for transforming policies, leadership and institutions to better serve Latinx/a/o communities within higher education. This strand seeks proposals that a) prioritize practices of intentional care, examine new ways of creating policies and practices that center social justice; and b) focus on the active engagement and utilization of perspectives that aim and are successful in disrupting and dismantling hegemonic power structures and systemic obstacles that exist within higher education. Proposals that attend to the following issues are welcomed:
- Enhancing and fostering querencia-based leadership.
- Utilization of practices and policies that humanize those within higher education institutions.
- Enacting justice and care centric efforts that foster student success.
- Engaging in creating pathways to executive leadership within higher education.
- Enriching the role of Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).
- Improving tenure and promotion policies and practices.
- Fostering partnerships between academic affairs and student affairs.
Forging Community Partnerships con Cariño for Equity in PreK-16 institutions
Through cariño, asset-based partnerships often serve as vehicles for student success, both inside and outside the classroom. This strand seeks proposals that: a) challenge the systems that have disadvantaged and marginalized Latinx/a/o students and their families throughout the educational pathway from PreK-16 and beyond; b) highlight intentionally student-focused and co-curated approaches that center access, equity, and inclusion for Latinx/a/o communities; and c) discuss how partnerships have led to increased student agency as well as educational, social, and economic mobility of the Latinx community. Proposals that center on the the following topics are welcomed:
- Critically examining and rethinking the educational pipeline for Latinx/a/o students.
- Assessing the PreK-16 barriers and constrictions with input of students, families and communities.
- Investing in family networks for academic support.
- Engaging in community-based mentorship and investment in Latinx/a/o students.
- Building collaboration among educational stakeholders.
- Creating culturally relevant college-going and college-navigating skills, in ways that are accessible to Latinx/a/o families and caretakers.
- Leveraging peer mentorship that results in the empowerment of Latinx/a/o students.
Prioritizing Healing through Latinx/o/a Communal, Radical, & Self Care
Healing and wellness in Latinx/o/a communities are critical for moving forward in higher education places and spaces. This requires scholars and practitioners to examine the emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and psychological factors that support the healing of the Latinx/o/a community in higher education, while seeking to identify and promote the ways that the Latinx/o/a community enacts productive coping and healing strategies. This strand seeks proposals that offer new ways of approaching radical healing as a framework with its components grounded in anchors such as collectivism, critical consciousness, radical hope, strength and resistance, and cultural authenticity and self-knowledge. Proposals that include the following issues are welcomed:
- Evaluating Institutional support among and within departments and how institutions and organizations create a sense of belonging for Latinx/o/a college students.
- Confronting the microaggressions, racial battle fatigue, imposter syndrome, and stereotype threat experiences among students, staff and faculty.
- Addressing sexual assault, survivor guilt and the re-centering of consciousness within the university environment.
- Understanding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on the Latinx/o/a community and in higher education.
- Attentive to the challenges in accessing mental and physical health care in higher education environments.
- Engaging in holistic healing practices and spaces that foster growth and emotional wellness.
- Utilizing Art, poetry, spoken word, and performances that center Afro-Latinidad and the greater Latinx/a/o diaspora.
- De-coupling mental health and social stigma associated with coping and healing.
Concurrent Session Types
The 2022 AAHHE National Conference is showcasing four concurrent session types: roundtables, research papers, interactive symposia and poster sessions.
Roundtables showcase informal discussions and exchange of ideas between participants and up to three presenters on current issues, practices, and/or research in higher education. Presenters are encouraged to present the topic and/or study and open up the floor for conversation. No more than 10 minutes should be allocated to presentation time in order to leave time for conversation. The roundtable participants may ask questions and discuss relevant issues in more detail than is typical in other types of sessions. Roundtable proposals should describe as many of the following as are applicable in 500-750 words, preferably in this order:
- Objectives or purposes of the paper/discussion and their alignment with justicia, amor, querencia, and healing for Latinx/a/o communities in higher education.
- Significance of the roundtable.
- Perspectives or theoretical/conceptual frameworks that will guide the discussion.
- Proposed research plan, study methods, or modes of inquiry; if applicable.
- Data sources or evidence, if applicable.
- Analytical plan/approach, if applicable.
- Practice and/or research implications.
Research Papers present findings that address current issues in the area of Latinx/a/o communities in higher education. Theory-based and data-driven, research paper sessions offer directives for research and practice and increases participants’ understanding of best practices for Latinx/a/o communities in higher education. Only one research paper will be highlighted per session. Research paper authors will not be expected to submit or provide a completed conference paper to participants, but authors should plan to present their research findings in some way (e.g., handout, Powerpoint presentation, etc.). Papers may be unpublished works; published works are also welcomed. In 500 - 750 words, research paper proposals should describe as many of the following as are applicable, preferably in this order:
- Study significance and objectives and their alignment with justicia, amor, querencia, and healing for Latinx/a/o communities in higher education.
- Research questions addressed.
- Theoretical or conceptual framework.
- Connection to literature.
- Anticipated or preliminary findings.
Interactive Symposia are focused sessions in which multiple authors/presenters share their perspectives about a common theme, issue, or question. The format of an interactive symposium session usually consists of an introduction to the topic by the chairperson to provide the audience with a background for the ensuing discussion. Authors/presenters then share their viewpoints, followed by discussion with the broader audience. Often, the symposium will end with an overview of the proceedings by the chairperson or a discussant. The chair or discussant should not give a separate presentation. Their role is to integrate, interpret, and highlight the essential issues raised by authors/presenters. For space considerations, please limit presenters to not more than five total. In 500 - 750 words, proposals for interactive symposia should describe as many of the following as are applicable, preferably in this order:
- Objective(s) and purpose of the session and their alignment with justicia, amor, querencia, and healing for Latinx/a/o communities in higher education.
- Theoretical or conceptual frameworks, if applicable.
- Backgrounds of the presenters as related to the session’s topic.
- Expertise or perspectives that each presenter/facilitator will contribute.
- Structure and format of the session, including the designation of a moderator and strategies to facilitate audience discussion and learning.
Poster Sessions highlight new research ideas, innovations, and advances for the Latina/o/x community in higher education. Presenter(s) allow the audience and attendees to engage in extended and meaningful discussion regarding the author’s presentation that is in illustrated format on a poster board. Posters should be 3’ x 4’ (36” x 48”) and will be placed on a board in a large hall. Presenter(s) are expected to be at their assigned presentation during the entire duration of the poster session. In 500 – 750 words, poster session proposal should describe as many of the following as are applicable, preferably in this order:
- Study significance and objectives and their alignment with justicia, amor, querencia, and healing for Latinx/a/o communities in higher education.
- Research questions addressed.
- Theoretical or conceptual framework.
- Connection to literature.
- Anticipated or preliminary findings.
How to Submit a Conference Proposal
- A submission form must be completed via the AAHHE submissions portal no later than Wednesday, October 13, 2021, by 11:59 pm EST. The submission portal will prompt you to log-in. If you are an active AAHHE member and you have logged in the past six months, you will be able to login as a returning user; you will be able to reset your password if needed. If you're an AAHHE member and have not renewed your membership, please note that you will need an active membership in order to log-in. If you're not a member of AAHHE, you can login by creating a new account.
- The submission form will prompt for the proposal description to be uploaded as a MSWord (.doc or .docx) or Portable Document file (.pdf). Additional supporting documents such as a list of references and additional attachment to include tables, figures, images, and/or appendices should be included at the end of the proposal description.
- All presenters information needs to be accurately submitted for full consideration.
- Please note that if/when your proposal is accepted, each presenter will be asked to commit to attending the conference and presenting in person. Conference sessions will be live-streamed for maximum audience engagement.
The conference proposal shall consist of:
- Selection of a conference strand
- Selection of a submission type
- The following information to be submitted directly via the online submission form:
- Presentation Title (15-word maximum)
- An abstract (50-word maximum)
- Three to five (3-5) learning objectives (or intended outcomes) for conference participants.
- A proposal description (500 - 750 words) to be uploaded, as an MS Word (.doc or .docx) or Portable Document File (.pdf), and to include the following information. Do not included the list of references in the word count of the proposal description. Be sure to include the last name of the primary contact and abbreviated title in "file name" (e.g. Perez--AfroLatinxStudents) of the proposal description.
- Purpose of presentation. Be sure to draw connection to conference theme and/or strand.
- Philosophical, theoretical, conceptual, or practical arguments related to the stated purpose of presentation.
- Review of literature relevant to the topic, issue, or problem within the field of higher education. References should be listed separately.
- If appropriate, methodological underpinnings and findings (i.e., preliminary, partial, or full). Note: Tables, figures, images, and/or appendices can included as a separate attachment.
- Method(s) for engaging attendees (e.g., polling, small-group discussion, case study analysis, written reflection, etc.);
- Outline of how time will be allocated to various activities (e.g., Introduction = 5 min.; Literature Review = 10 min.; Findings = 20 min.; Discussion = 20 min.).
- At the end of the document, include a list of references cited in the proposal description relevant to the topic, issue, or problem within the field of higher education. The references should follow APA Style. Do not included the list of references in the word count of the proposal description.
- After the references are listed, you can add additional information to include tables, figures, images, and/or appendices.
Proposal Review Process
All proposals will be evaluated through a peer-review process led by the AAHHE Conference Planning Committee. Any inquiries or questions related to your proposal should be directed to the 2022 AAHHE Conference Chair Dr. Nancy Acevedo (Associate Professor, California State University San Bernardino) and Co-chair Dr. Hermen Díaz (Assistant Professor, Buffalo State College) at [email protected].
All proposals will be assessed based on the following general guidelines:
- Ability to align with the conference theme and/or the selected strand
- Importance of the study, topic, issue, or problem to the field of higher education (contributions to knowledge, theory and/or practice)
- Overall quality of the proposal (e.g., quality of writing, organization of ideas, clarity of assumptions, logic of arguments, etc.).
- Clarity of focus or findings, whether partially or fully reported.
- Addresses or shows sensitivity towards issues related to power, privilege, and oppression (PPO) within the Latinx/a/o community.
In addition, the following specific guidelines for each concurrent session type will be evaluated as follows:
Roundtable Proposals: perspectives or theoretical/conceptual frameworks that will guide the discussion, implications for practice and/or research, and potential for stimulating scholarly discussion.
Interactive Symposium Proposals: integration and coherence of panelists’ perspectives as a group of experts, range of knowledge and/or points of view represented by panelists, and strategies for involving audience in the discussion and promoting interactive learning.
Research Paper and Poster Session Proposals: clear theoretical or conceptual frameworks, connection to relevant literature, and soundness of the research approach (e.g., methodology), method(s), and analysis.
The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals:
- Exceeds Expectations: Information is very clear and readily comprehensible to three or more audiences (e.g., students, faculty, administrators, community members, etc.). Content advances new understandings and/or innovation in higher education. Attendees will achieve all stated learning outcomes/objectives.
- Meets Expectations: Information is clear and comprehensible to at least two audiences (e.g., students, faculty, etc.). Content aligns with current understandings and practices in higher education. Attendees will achieve most stated learning outcomes/objectives.
- Needs Improvement: Information needs to be clarified and is only comprenhensible for one audience. Content needs to be explained in greater detail in order to understand connection to higher education. Attendees will achieve half of the stated learning outcomes/objectives.
- Does Not Meet Expectations: Information is unclear and incomprehensible. Content does not align with higher education. Attendees will not achieve stated learning outcomes/objectives.
Additional Information:
- Conference participants will be able to register to attend the conference in-person or virtually as all conference concurrent sessions will be livestreamed.
- All program presenters will be required to register for the conference and pay the in-person conference registration fee.
- AAHHE and Nevada State College will provide a screen and LCD projector.
- Conference presenters will be required to bring their laptops for their presentations.
- Neither honoraria nor expenses, including registration fees, will be paid by AAHHE to program presenters.
- Every effort is made to offer a quality program for conference participants. Once accepted, presenters will be asked to sign, and honor, a commitment to present.
- AAHHE reserves the right to recommend changes in a proposal, and to encourage joint presentations if multiple proposals are submitted on similar topics.
- Information printed in the conference program is based on the proposal application. Please ensure the information submitted is accurate since that is how it will appear in the program.
Revised October 3, 2021