2021 AAHHE National Conference | Virtual Event Sembrando Semillas: (Re)imagining the Contours of Latinx/a/o Communities within Higher Education February 26 & March 1- 4, 2021, Noon - 6 p.m. ET
Pre-conference Institutes & Workshop, February 26, 2021
ETS Latinx Student Success Institute, 11 am - 4 pm ET Policy, Pandemic and Promise: Promoting Latinx Student Success in Urban Communities Luis Ponjuan, PhD, Chair, ETS Latinx Student Success Institute; Associate Professor, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University. Edith Fernández, PhD, Co-chair, ETS Latinx Student Success Institute; Vice-president, College and Community Engagement, Nevada State College. Magdalena Martínez, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy & Leadership, Director of Education Programs, The Lincy Institute.
The 2021 ETS Latinx Student Success Institute features nationally recognized higher education researchers and practitioners who will present empirical evidence and best policies and practices focused on Latina/o academic success at two– and four–year institutions in urban communities. This highly interactive format will inspire, educate, and empower leaders to return to their campus with new questions, ideas, and action steps to move this agenda forward.
3rd Annual Community College Institute, 1 - 4 pm ET How to Lead Community Colleges during Uncertain Times Linda L. García, ED, Ctr. for Community College Student Engagement, The University of Texas at Austin Steven R. Gonzales, PhD, Interim Chancellor, Maricopa Colleges Patrick L. Valdez, PhD, Chancellor, The University of New Mexico-Taos Carmen Martínez-López, PhD, Dean School of Business and Professional Careers, State University of New York
In its third year, the Community College Institute (CCI) provides learning opportunities to Latinx community college leaders. Research shows that leaders of community colleges need to be aware of issues related to student success and access, institutional transformation during uncertain times, and need to develop competencies in balancing institutional history with the mission and vision of the community college. Leaders need to use data to improve student success, create a student–centered culture, and establish an institutional infrastructure that builds talent and institutional capacity to have a sustainable organization. The goal of this session is for participants to apply the concepts learned to their own professional careers.
Latinx Leadership Institute, 1 - 3 pm ET Leading with Inspiration During the Era of Pandemics Ana Mari Cauce, PhD, President, University of Washington Thomas Parham, PhD, President, California State University Dominguez Hills Moderator: Patricia Arredondo, EdD, AAHHE Chair
The Latinx Leadership Institute is designed for administrators, faculty, and decision–makers considering career advancement in higher education. Graduate students are also invited. Contemporary academic leaders have faced and managed multiple challenges on their college campuses during the 2020–21 academic years. These include decisions about keeping the campus and residence halls open, teaching hybrid or in large spaces with fewer students, and cancelling important events such as graduation and sporting events. Two university presidents will address how their intersecting identities inform their leadership, scholarship, and role in campus and community partnerships, and will share what inspires their worldview as a university leader—what values and hopes motivate their endeavors.
Workshop: Nuts & Bolts of Writing, 1 - 4 pm ET Melissa Martínez, PhD, Associate Professor, Counseling-Leadership-Adult Education & School Improvement Texas State University
The Nuts & Bolts of Writing workshop highlights the steps in the academic writing and publication process to turn research findings into conference presentations and published works such as peer–reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Useful tips, tools, templates, and examples applicable to graduate students in all fields of study will be shared to help make the implicit aspects of the process explicit and manageable. Participants will engage with and personalize the resources to meet their scholarly goals and needs.
