Pre-conference Events ~ In-person Only (all times are in U.S. Pacific Time Zone)
Wednesday March 1, 2023
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
ETS Latinx Student Success Institute
Unspoken Realities of Undocumented Latina/o/x students with and without DACA status: Creating Awareness and Action through Policies, Programs, Practices, and Politics.
Room: NLVU 126
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- Luis Ponjuán, PhD, Institute Chair and Associate Professor, College Of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University.
- Edith Fernández, PhD, Institute Co-chair and Vice President of College and Community Engagement, Division of Culture, Planning, & Policy, Nevada State College.
Keynote Speaker: Cinthya Salazar, PhD
Wednesday March 1, 2023
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
Community College Institute
La Lucha Sigue: Honoring and Recognizing the Unique Role of Community Colleges
Room: NLVU 128
- Patrick L. Valdez, PhD, Community College Summit Co-chair; AAHHE Board Chair; Visiting Professor, College of Education & Program Chair, Senior Diversity Officer Certificate Program, University of Kentucky
- Audrey Baca Lopez, EdD, Community College Summit Co-chair, Assistant Professor of English, Mt. San Jacinto College
- Clarissa Cota, JD, Community College Summit Co-chair; Vice President, North Las Vegas Campus
- Magdalena Martínez, PhD, Community College Summit Co-chair; Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy and Leadership, College of Urban Affairs & Director of Education Programs, The Lincy Institute, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Wednesday March 1, 2023
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
Undergraduate Fellows Program Institute
Room NLVU: 130
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- Monique Posadas, MA, ETS/AAHHE Undergraduate Student Fellows Program Chair, Graduate Student Mentorship Program Coordinator, University of California Riverside.
- Abraham Peña, PhD, Executive Director of the Center for Academic Access & Opportunity and TRIO Programs, Suffolk University.
- Maria Morales, PhD, MIM Consulting: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
- Armando Lizarraga, Doctoral Student, University of Texas at Austin.
- Nelly Cruz, University Innovation Alliance Fellow, University of California Riverside.
- Jennifer Vilchez, Doctoral Candidate, Rutgers University.
- Roberto C. Orozco, PhD, Presidential Postdoctoral Associate, Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities.
Wednesday March 1, 2023
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM PST
Opening Plenary
Room: NLVH 109 – Horn Theater
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2:15 PM – 2:30 PM PST
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM PST
Concurrent Session RP 113 | Emerging as an HSI: Emergiendo para Servir. Room: NLVU 126.
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Concurrent Session IS 123 | Making the Move From Grad Student to Professor. Room: NLVU 128.
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CANCELLED. Concurrent Session RT 133 | “Healing the Split”: Cultivando Comunidad Amongst the Whiteness. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 143 | An Auto-ethnographic Understanding of Urban Planning, Coalition Building, and Education Opportunities. Room: NLVS 113.
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Concurrent Session RP 153 | Echémonos Flores: Developing Mentoring Relationships with First-generation, Bilingual, Latina Doctoral Students. Room: NLVH 144.
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CANCELLED. Concurrent Session RP 163 | STEMujeres: First-generation Latinas exceling at critical points along the engineering pathway. Room: NLVS 234.
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM PST
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM PST
Concurrent Session RP 114 | Leveraging Latinx Community Wisdom Toward Higher Education Scholar-Activism in the South. Room: NLVU 126.
Concurrent Session IS 124 | Unidx Por Justicia: How COLEGAS advances equity for Latina/o/x/e people in the California Community Colleges. Room: NLVU 128.
Concurrent Session RT 134 | Disrupting Transfer-level English: A Praxis-based Response to AB 705. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 144 | Social Media as a Bridge to Foster a Sense of Belonging among Latinx LGBTQ+ university students. Room: NLVS 113.
Concurrent Session RP 154 | Texas State University First Gen Proud: Implementing Promising Practices Using Qualitative Research. Room: NLVH 144.
Concurrent Session RP 164 | Teachers of Color Resistance as Praxis: Elevating Consciousness and Fostering Thriving Students. Room: NLVS 234.
4:45 PM – 5:00 PM PST
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM PST
Networking Mixer
NLVU – Student Union Outdoor Patio
Thursday March 2, 2023
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM PST
Welcome Program
Room: NLVH 109 – Horn Theater
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PST
39th Annual Tomás Rivera Lecture
Daisy Gonzales, PhD, Chancellor, California Community Colleges
Room: NLVH 109 – Horn Theater
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10:00 AM – 10:30 AM PST
ETS Outstanding Dissertation Competition Awards
Room: NLVH 109 – Horn Theater
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10:30 AM – 10:45 AM PST
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM PST
Concurrent Session RP 212 | ¿Quien soy yo?: (Re)claiming self in the academy. Room: NLVU 126.
Concurrent Session IS 222 | Project MALES: Sharing Wisdom through Platica. Room: NLVU 128.
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Concurrent Session RT 232 | We are here to thrive: Latino/x/e men in higher education/student affairs masters programs. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 242 | Structures that Promote Career Pathways for Latinx Students in STEM. Room: NLVS 113.
Concurrent Session RP 252 | Culturally Engaging Campus Environments for Undocumented College Students: A Comparative Case Study. Room: NLVH 144.
Concurrent Session 262 NLA Programming - Leading for Equity Beyond the Institution. Room: NLVS 234.
11:45 AM – 12:00 PM PST
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM PST
AAHHE Awards Ceremony
Room: NLVE 130 – June Whitley Lounge
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AAHHE Awards:
- Alfredo G. de los Santos Jr. Distinguished Leadership Award ~ Raymund Paredes, Professor of Practice, University of Texas at Austin.
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- Community College Award ~ Lydia CdeBaca-Cruz, PhD, Professor, Austin Community College.
- Doctoral Student Award ~ Merylou Rodriguez, Chair of AAHHE GSFP, Doctoral Candidate, Director of Scholarships, Housing & Student Engagement, Rutgers University – New Brunswick.
- Early Career Award ~ Cinthya Salazar, PhD, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University.
- Mildred Garcia Founders’ Award ~ The Campaign for College Opportunity, Audrey Dow, Senior Vice President, Policy and Research Organization.
- Outstanding Support of Hispanic Issues Award ~ Mariana Martínez, PhD, Director of College Assistance Migrant Program, Mendocino-Lake Community College.
- Sylvia Hurtado University Faculty Awards
- Gina Garcia, PhD, Association Professor, University of Pittsburgh.
- Gilberto Rosas, PhD, Interim Chair of Latina/Latino Studies, Associate Professor, Departments of Anthropology and Latina/Latino Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
- William Aguilar Cultural Arts Award ~ Maria de Los Angeles, Critic & Assistant Director, Yale School of Art.
Books of the Year Awards:
- Early Career Category: Apoyo Sacrificial: How Undocumented Latinx Parents Get Their Children to College (2021), Stephanie Cuevas, ChapmanUniversity
- Mid-Career Category: Brown Trans Figurations: Rethinking Race, Gender and Sexuality in Chicanx and Latinx Studies (2021), Francisco Galarte, University of New Mexico
- Senior Scholar Category: Proving Patriotismo Latino Military Recruitment, Service, and Belonging in the US (2021), Jessica Lavariega Monforti, California State University, Channel Islands, and Adam McGlynn, East Stroudsburg University
- Edited Volume Category: Mexican American Civil Rights in Texas (2021), Robert Brischetto and J. Richard Avena
1:15 PM – 1:30 PM PST
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM PST
7th Cigarroa Family Medical/STEM Distinguished Lecture
Bryan Leyva, MD, University of Minnesota, AfroLatino Activist Artist Antiracist, Decolonizing MedEd, Centering Justice Critical Theory & the Oppressed
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Cigarroa Family

2:30 PM – 2:45 PM PST
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM PST
Concurrent Session RP 215 | Latinx STEM Student Success in Hispanic-Serving Institutions and Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A critical literature review. Room: NLVU 126.
Concurrent Session IS 225 | Better Together: Multi-institutional coalitions advancing Latinx postsecondary pathways at HSIs. Room: NLVU 128.
Concurrent Session RT 235 | How Student Leaders Work with Communities to Support those interested in working with Latinx and Spanish-speaking. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 245 | Lessons for Higher Education from Community-Based Education. Room: NLVS 113.
Featured Session 255 FS - Mainstream media taught me that research should be in a lab with experiments: Disrupting expectations for knowledge production through social science research with community college, Marissa C. Vasquez, EdD, Associate Professor, Postsecondary Educational Leadership, San Diego State University. Room NLVH 144.
3:45 PM – 4:00 PM PST
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM PST
Concurrent Session RP 216 | Examining positionalities of Latina educational researchers that employ Chicana/Latina feminism pláticas methodology. Room: NLVU 126.
Concurrent Session IS 226 | Cal State HSIs: Scholar-Leaders Impacting Practice. Room: NLVU 128.
Concurrent Session RT 236 | Exploring Queer Latinx students, faculty, and staff needs and activism: a case study. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 246 | Mujeres en STEM: Strategies for navigating the chilly climate y entre fronteras. Room: NLVS 113.
CANCELLED. Concurrent Session RP 256 | Persistencia y Resistencia: A Pscychosociocultural Approach to Latinx Farmworking Mujeres at a PWI. Room: NLVH 144.
Poster Session PS 266 | Latina STEM Student Peer Mentorship: Applying Strategies of Success in HSIs. Room: June Whitley Lounge Lobby.
Poster Session PS 266 | Exploring Students’ Knowledge, Awareness, and Practice of Educational Wellness. Room: June Whitley Lounge Lobby.
CANCELLED. Poster Session PS 266 | Advancing Community Cultural Wealth of Undergraduate Women of Color in the STEM+C Workforce Pipeline. Room: June Whitley Lounge Lobby.
Poster Session PS 266 | Narrowing the Achievement Gap in Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A Broward College Experiential Learning, Computer Science Study. Room: June Whitley Lounge Lobby.
5:00 PM – 5:15 PM PST
5:15 PM – 6:45 PM PST
Room: June Whitley Lounge.
Friday March 3, 2023
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM PST
Welcome Program
Room: NLVH 109 – Horn Theater
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PST
Plenary Session
Resistance, Refusal and Praxis at Critical Junctures
Room: NLVH 109 – Horn Theater
Moderator: Cristobal Rodriguez, PhD, AAHHE Board of Directors
- Danyeli Rodriguez Del Orbe, Writer/Poet, John Jay College.
- Bamby Salcedo, MA, President/CEO The TransLatin Coalition, California State University Los Angeles.
- Anita Tijerina, PhD, Professor & Chair, Department of Chicana (o) and Latina (o) Studies, California State University Los Angeles.
10:00 AM – 10:15 AM PST
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM PST
Concurrent Session 312 ODC 3 - AAHHE & ETS Outstanding Dissertation Competition, Third Place Winner, Ordinary Salviness and the Exceptional Everyday, Beatriz Esmeralda Maldonado, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Room: NLVU 126.
Sponsored by ETS

Concurrent Session IS 322 | Research with, by, and for the UT immigrant community: How student-centered research influenced institutional change. Room: NLVU 128.
Concurrent Session RT 332 | "Straight Out", They're Actually Just Targeting What Hispanics Wear: How Dress Code Policies Reproduce Educational Inequality. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 342 | That’s where my anger comes from: Latinx teachers discuss their experiences with racism and discrimination. Room: NLVS 113.
Concurrent Session RP 352 | We have always been on survival mode: Latinx Doctoral Students' Pandemic Experiences. Room: NLVH 144.
Featured Session 362 FS - Beyond Papel Picado: Disrupting Traditional Notions of LatinX Community College Leadership, Ángel de Jesus González, EdD, Postdoc at USC, LGBTQIA + Latine experiences at community college and HSIs. Room: NLVS 234.
11:15 AM – 11:30 AM PST
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PST
Concurrent Session 313 ODC 2 - AAHHE & ETS Outstanding Dissertation Competition, Second Place Winner, Aquí entre nos: Identity and socio-political consciousness development of queer Latinx/a/o college student activists through the Muxerista activist consciousness development framework, Roberto Orozco, PhD, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Room: NLVU 126.
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Concurrent Session IS 323 | Latinx Undergraduate Success through their Engagement in Culturally-Relevant Mentoring. Room: NLVU 128.
Concurrent Session RT 333 | Beyond the Promise: Leveraging partnerships & creating systemic change for Latinx college access, transfer, and attainment. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 343 | Familial capital beyond the educational pipeline: Centering the voices of Latinx parents. Room: NLVS 113.
Concurrent Session RP 353 | Revisiting Patterns and Predictions for HSIs: A Decade Later, Who Reached their Potential?. Room: NLVH 144.
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM PST
12:45 PM – 1:45 PM PST
AAHHE Fellow Recognition Luncheon
Room: June Whitley Lounge Lobby
1:45 PM – 2:00 PM PST
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM PST
Concurrent Session 315 ODC 1 - AAHHE & ETS Outstanding Dissertation Competition, First Place Winner, Mexicana/Latina Campesinas Cultivating Knowledge: A Collective Agricultural Land-Based Education in Central Washington State in the Homelands of Yakama Nation, Rosalinda Godinez, PhD, University of California, Berkeley. Room: NLVU 126.
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CANCELLED. Concurrent Session IS 325 | Distances Traveled: The American College Experience for Latinx College Students. Room: NLVU 128.
CANCELLED. Concurrent Session RT 335 | Fortaleciendo Research Capital and Assessment Beliefs towards Graduation. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 345 | Radical Wellness: The Chicana/Latina Flourishing Project. Room: NLVS 113
Concurrent Session RP 355 | Postsecondary Education in Texas Prisons: Accessibility to Incarcerated Women through the Second Chance Pell Grant. Room: NLVH 144.
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM PST
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM PST
Concurrent Session RP 316 | Self-care practices, self-esteem, and perceived interpersonal support among Latino/a former foster youth in higher education. Room: NLVU 126.
Concurrent Session RT 336 | Why Campus Service Workers Matter When It Comes to First-Generation Latine College Students’ Retention and Success. Room: NLVU 130.
Concurrent Session RP 346 | Predicting Academic Success: The Impact of Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem, and Climate Among Latinx High Schoolers. Room: NLVS 113.
Concurrent Session RP 356 | Fighting The Pandemic Con Cariño: Staff & Faculty Uplifting Latino/x Men in South Texas Colleges. Room: NLVH 144.
4:15 PM – 4:30 PM PST
4:30 PM – 5:15 PM PST
Town Hall
Room: NLVH 109 – Horn Theater